EAMS – the Enterprise Accounts Management System will be used by UNDP’s SWAPNO project’s Cottage, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (CMSME) to manage their business functions within a centralized and integrated system. The model of the project is establishing different enterprises according to the business needs. Several enterprises are running already and more will have been established in the future. Some of them are trade based, and some are production based. Through the EAMS software, entrepreneurs can provide their day-to-day business, operation, and logistic information and transactions to this web-based system. Multiple accounts can be enabled for single enterprise/ business entity. Ticketing and support management are also available on this platform which is a key module. Also, the admin has a separate part to manage and guide the users. Redorch Technology paves the way by developing this integrated system which can cover both trade and production-wise enterprise accounts. We gladly take this opportunity to provide a sole and uncommon solution, at the same time which can be easily accessed to the rural entrepreneurs of the country.

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Redorch Technology

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